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Gallery Listings - 2018

Gallery Listings - 2018


Gallery Listings - October 2018

Ewan McDougall, Frigging in th’ rigging, 2018, oil on canvas

Frigging in the rigging is one of a series of boat paintings with vibrant figures in various states of glee, adventure, inebriation, terror. They are joyous, adrift and bereft. But they will get to a destination one way or another in the howling wind. (Ewan McDougall)

Ewan McDougall, Frigging in th’ rigging, Chambers Gallery, 9 – 27 October

New Works by Cheryl Lucas

The exhibition follows an intense period of making and un-making as I experiment with new forms and surface treatments. (Cheryl Lucas)

New Works by Cheryl Lucas, ,The National, 23 Oct -17 November

Roger Mortimer, Rakiura 2 (2018), gold dust & acrylic lacquer on canvas, (detail). Courtesy of the artist and Nadene Milne Gallery

Mortimer uses old cartographic maps in his work. “I was thinking of the Portuguese because they marked the way to get to the gold... and I sort of feel that may be part of the task of the artist - to try and mark the way.” (Greg Bowker, NZ Herald, 6 September 2014)

Roger Mortimer,The Fisher King, Nadene Milne Gallery, 12 Oct – 8 November

Robert Mcleod, The Gogol Group, 2015/16

Balancing Act is focused around the sci-fi alien thread that’s been running through my work for a long time.  I grew up reading science fiction, thinking that aliens were from Mars ....  America calls anyone they don’t want in their alien and that’s odd language to use to describe other humans.  So SCI FI FLASHE(S) ...BALANCING ACTS...UFOs ....monuments and mocking.....I guess it’s my response to what’s happening in the world around us. (Robert Mcleod)

Robert Mcleod, Balancing Act, PGgallery192, 8 Oct – 2 November

Marie Shannon, Phone Friends, gelatine print, 1990

Throughout the thirty plus years of her career, she has inquired into the meanings of home by making images full of objects…. There’s the perversity of electric heaters looking at a landscape; a house made of parmesan cheese; a tiny lighthouse beacon beaming across a carpet sea; a marquette for a bag; and maps of her days and places she’s lived in New Zealand. The way she plays with the scale of objects is charged with loneliness and humour. (Mary-Jane Duffy, Marie Shannon Rooms found only in the home, Photoforum blog 2018)

Marie Shannon, Rooms found only in the home, Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetu, 2 Aug – 2 December

Patricia Took-Stevens, The Anatomy of Planning, 2016, mixed media

(from the group exhibition, The Cutting Edge: Freeing Textiles)

Textiles have long been the Cinderella of the art world; for some, marking the boundaries between art and craft - should textile work be thought-provoking, intellectual or political? Or should it be practical, domestic, decorative and inviting – perhaps something to do in a spare moment? Or should it be fluid, free to range where it will, manifesting in individual works that resist categorising?

A group exhibition curated by Kate Mahoney.  Also see: Arts Events, Workshops and News.

The Cutting Edge: Freeing Textiles, Arts in Oxford Gallery , 22 Sept – 28 October 2018.

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